@article{oai:nisikyu-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000078, author = {平田, 孝治 and 西田, 明史 and 西岡, 征子 and 吉村, 浩美 and 田中, 知恵 and 馬場, 由美子 and 武富, 和美 and 立川, かおり and 高元, 宗一郎 and 福元, 健志 and 尾道, 加奈恵 and 松田, 佐智子 and 鶴, 和也 and 古賀, 敬章}, journal = {永原学園西九州大学短期大学部紀要, Journal of Nishikyushu University junior college}, month = {Mar}, note = {In recent years Japan, many colleges have programed collaborative activities with local communities into the curriculum. We have discussed the educational effects that can be expected from the joint activities with the local community based on our college cases. There, it was deduced to be effective for own sociability with social norms, contribution to the community (awareness of a cooperation), self-esteem, and self-reliance, as a pre-stage of their professional activities. In this paper, we summarized the collaborative activity with local communities of “Vivid! 249, Delicious Food and Health Festa, 2019” which was carried out as collaborative learning with other course students, speculated the educational effects from observation of the activities, and the meaning of the activity was considered.}, pages = {15--23}, title = {地域連携活動の意義について―「ビビッと! 249~おいしい食と健康のフェスタ~」活動を通して―}, volume = {50}, year = {2020} }