@article{oai:nisikyu-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000058, author = {大家, さとみ and 久野, 隆裕 and OOIE, Satomi and HISANO, Takahiro}, issue = {10}, journal = {西九州大学子ども学部紀要, Journal of children's studies of Nishikyushu University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of study is to compare and verify the system development status of special needs education over 10 years from 2007, based on the data of the nationwide and Saga prefecture data, and consider the issues of future special needs education and prospects. The results are as follows: The system development status of special needs education at national public elementary schools, junior high schools and senior high schools in FY 2017 shows that the establishment rate of the school committee, the actual survey implementation rate, and the nomination rate of the special needs educa- tion coordinator all exceed 80%. In addition, the individualized teaching plan creation rate at schools where target students are enrolled exceeds 70%, and the individualized educational support plan crea- tion rate exceeds 60%. Over the past ten years, the development of national laws concerning special needs education and projects to improve special needs education have been implemented, and the establishment of special needs education at kindergartens, elementary schools, junior high schools and senior high schools is proceeding. The promotion of utilizing patrol counselors and expert teams at senior high schools and teacher training at kindergartens require further attention. The system development status of special needs education in Saga prefecture in FY 2017 exceeds the national average in all public kindergartens, elementary schools, junior high schools, and senior high schools except for the utilization rate of expert teams. The results of Saga prefectureʼs unique educational projects that have been undertaken since the full-scale implementation of special needs education are shown in the results. Special support classes and class guidance classes have been increased at elementary and junior high schools, and class guidance has been institutionalized at senior high school. From now on, it is ex- pected that the appropriate guidance and necessary support at school will be further enhanced by teachers who have been trained to teach and evaluate according to these implementations.}, pages = {49--64}, title = {論文 特別支援教育の体制整備状況に関する一考察ー幼稚園,小・中高等学校における体制整備状況についてー}, year = {2019}, yomi = {オオイエ, サトミ and ヒサノ, タカヒロ} }