@article{oai:nisikyu-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000055, author = {櫻井, 京子 and SAKURAI, Kyoko}, issue = {10}, journal = {西九州大学子ども学部紀要, Journal of children's studies of Nishikyushu University}, month = {Mar}, note = {Since April 2018, laws and regulations on kindergartens, nurseries and childcare facilities have been revised and enacted simultaneously, constituting a major turning point for infant care and education in Japan. Childcare workersʼ expected roles and qualifications have diversified, leading to greater work responsibilities. Daily, childcare workers reflect on their own work to develop their expertise and im- prove the quality of childcare. After self-evaluation, they share their insights with fellow members of staff, striving to make improvements and link them into subsequent practice. To conduct an objective evaluation, it is necessary to take records. However, in modern society, many people, including stu- dents aspiring to be childcare workers, lack competence in writing and record taking. Therefore, the author has been executing initiatives on an ongoing basis to provide students experience in taking ob- servational records as well as to foster an understanding of the importance of this prior to training. In this paper, I clarify the importance of records and evaluation at childrenʼs facilities on the ground. In addition, I report on and consider this effort in guidance, along with its outcomes.}, pages = {21--34}, title = {論文 幼稚園・保育所・こども園における記録と評価 ―「子ども理解」を促す観察記録の取り方の指導をとおして―}, year = {2019}, yomi = {サクライ, キョウコ} }