@article{oai:nisikyu-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000234, author = {平田, 孝治 and 福元, 裕二 and 辻, 裕一 and 和田, 広貴 and 秋月, 萌華 and 鶴, 和也 and 松田, 佐智子 and 尾道, 香奈恵 and 高元, 宗一郎 and 立川, かおり and 清水, 陽香 and 大村, 綾 and 金丸, 智美 and 中島, 加奈 and 福元, 健志 and 馬場, 由美子 and 武富, 和美 and 吉村, 浩美 and 竹森, 裕高 and 矢ヶ部, 陽一 and 春原, 淑雄 and 川邊, 浩史 and 田中, 知恵 and 西岡, 征子 and 牛丸, 和人 and 野口, 美乃里 and 米倉, 慶子}, journal = {西九州大学短期大学部紀要, Journal of Nishikyushu university junior college}, month = {Mar}, note = {The relationship between student's academic achievements (objective measurements) and self- evaluations (subjective measurements) on the same learning attainment targets is an interest issue for learning outcomes assessment. Our junior college (NUJC) developed an evaluation support system of competency-based learning outcome in 2015. This system provides the assessment regarding rubric (criteria)-referenced self-evaluation, and the academic achievement based on the achievement targets. The self-evaluation is a process during which students collect information about their own performance or progress. The formative assessment in each semester aims to improve students' academic achievements and to optimize their self-evaluations, and then the summative assessments provide in the final semester. We introduce the ongoing improvement of the measurement and assessment of the learning outcomes for ‘quality assurance and enhancement in higher education', and for ‘internal quality assurance'. We reexamined the statistical relationship between the objective and subjective measurements on this system, and investigated specific factors that would improve learning outcomes. As a result, we reconfirmed the relationship that the correlation coefficient (| r |) increases, approximately from 0.2 to 0.4, as the semester progresses by Spearman correlation analysis. Fishbone analysis was performed with the correlated factors from student questionnaire survey. This analysis led to some concrete factors inferred as the cause of problems.}, pages = {16--24}, title = {研究論文 学修到達度と自己評価の相互浸透に関する一考 ―学修成果の査定検証法並びに学修成果の獲得・向上に及ぼす要因の検討―}, volume = {52}, year = {2022} }