@article{oai:nisikyu-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000145, author = {鶴, 和也 and 藤島, 法仁 and 吉村浩美 and 馬場, 由美子 and 立川, かおり and Kazuya Tsuru and Norihito Fujishima and Hiromi Yoshimura and Yumiko Baba and Kaori Tachikawa}, journal = {永原学園西九州大学短期大学部紀要, Journal of Nishikyusyu university junior college}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study is one of the initiatives based on the comprehensive collaboration between Nishikyushu University Junior College and Nagasaki Junior College. It involves a compilation of a series of lectures given by faculty members specializing in Human and Social Studies at Nagasaki Junior College, targeted at second-year students of the Care Welfare Course at Nishikyushu University Junior College, focusing on preparing for the Certified Care Worker National Examination.  As a result, many students found the lectures to be beneficial, and the overall effectiveness of the course received generally positive evaluations. However, the results also highlighted several areas for future consideration, such as increasing the number of lectures, implementing them earlier, and the preference for conducting them face-to-face.}, pages = {55--60}, title = {実践報告 介護福祉士養成施設に在籍する学生に対する国家試験対策講座 ―人間と社会の領域を中心として―}, volume = {54}, year = {2024} }