@article{oai:nisikyu-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000164, author = {武富, 和美 and 松田, 佐智子 and 尾道, 香奈恵 and 西岡, 征子 and Takedomi, Kazumi and Matsuda, Sachiko and Onomichi, Kanae and Nishioka, Seiko}, journal = {永原学園西九州大学短期大学部紀要, Journal of Nishikyusyu university junior colledge}, month = {Mar}, note = {Children with developmental disorders are often highly preoccupied with certain things, and their dietary obsessions lead to dietary behaviors such as extreme unbalanced diet and swallowing of food in bulk. Unbalanced diet are particularly common among them. Most studies on unbalanced diet in children with developmental disorders so far have been surveys of food preferences and coping with them, and the actual intervention studies are rarely found. Therefore, this study focused on " unbalanced diet " in children with developmental disorders and conducted an intervention study to determine whether specific support measures based on the characteristics of each child would lead to an improvement in unbalanced diet. The results of the intervention study suggested that unbalanced diet in children with developmental disorders is likely to be improved by specific support measures tailored to the characteristics of each child.}, pages = {1--6}, title = {研究論文 発達障害のある子どもの食支援 ~偏食改善に向けた取り組み~}, volume = {51}, year = {2021}, yomi = {タケドミ, カズミ and マツダ , サチコ and オノミチ, カナエ and ニシオカ, セイコ} }