@article{oai:nisikyu-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000015, author = {平田, 孝治 and 岡嶋, 一郎 and 福元, 裕二 and 辻, 裕一 and 和田, 佳奈美 and 松田, 佐智子 and モハメッド ノル・, アンワー and 尾道, 香奈恵 and 津上, 佳奈美 and 春原, 淑雄 and 赤坂, 久子 and 高元, 宗一郎 and 溝田, 今日子 and 小川, 智子 and 立川, かおり and 占部, 尊士 and 西田, 明史 and 川邊, 浩史 and 吉村, 浩美 and 馬場, 由美子 and 武富, 和美 and 田中, 知恵 and 西岡, 征子 and 野口, 美乃里 and 牛丸, 和人 and 米倉, 慶子 and 桑原, 雅臣}, journal = {永原学園西九州大学短期大学部紀要, Journal of Nisikyusyu university junior college}, month = {Mar}, note = {In the learning outcomes, the relationship between objective and subjective measures is an issue of educational measurement. In this paper, we clarified the correlation derived from the semester-linkage of academic achievements and self-evaluations based on the competency model in NUJC. In the principal component analysis, it was suggested that the self-evaluations include roughly two directions of general ability and professional ability, and that the academic achievements depend on the curriculum and the methods of learning and evaluation, basically. The interpenetration of academic achievements and self-evaluations depend on intermediate factors that rule their linkage. The factors are supposed to be formed by two components: the faculties’ factors such as curriculum, methods of learning and evaluation including cognitive learning and the environment of “learning- background” (e.g., Hidden curriculum and Student support); the student's factors such as acquired abilities including motivation, personality and self-consciousness.}, pages = {15--28}, title = {学修到達度と自己評価の相互浸透に関する一考~コンピテンシーに基づく学修成果の統計分析~}, volume = {49}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ヒラタ, コウジ and オカジマ, イチロウ and フクモト, ユウジ and ツジ, ユウイチ and ワダ, カナミ and マツダ , サチコ and モハメッド ノル・, アンワー and オノミチ, カナエ and ツガミ, カナミ and ハルハラ, ヨシオ and アカサカ, ヒサコ and タカモト, ソウイチロウ and ミゾタ, キョウコ and オガワ, トモコ and タチカワ, カオリ and ウラベ, タケシ and ニシダ, アキヒト and カワベ, ヒロフミ and ヨシムラ, ヒロミ and ババ, ユミコ and タケドミ, カズミ and タナカ, トモエ and ニシオカ, セイコ and ノグチ, ミノリ and ウシマル, カズト and ヨネクラ, ケイコ and クワハラ, マサオミ} }